Monday, January 14, 2008

I'm Baaaaaaaaccccckk!

Not that anyone missed me or anything.

I had another blog once upon a time. I tried to log in to my old blog but the email address I used was 3 email addresses ago! This one will be a fresh start! This is my new and improved version. That's my theme for this year, I think. This 2008 is going to be my year of fresh starts. I think that's exactly what I need. This will be the year I get a fresh start with a new career, getting healthier, getting my relationships where I want them to be and just doing the things that I want to do not because I have to them. This is the year of me.

Let's do a quick update about what's happening here in my world and then we'll see where this thing takes us.

First of all, I am unemployed at the moment. Thank you, Jesus! That crazy woman I was working with at Lapeteet (spelled wrong on purpose) was working my last nerve for so long, I wasn't sure I had any nerve left. That is until I walked out that Monday morning without notice, without a word. I'll go more into that later.

Second, I'm waiting to have surgery again. Some of you know that I had a hysterectomy in February 2005. Even though I'd had everything removed, I was still having pain. So, after dealing with it for almost 3 years, I've decided to do something about it. Go me!

Thirdly, I am the proud 'mommy' to 3 furbabies who I love madly. There's my big girl, MollieMae. She was our first baby, She's a mixture of something with that other thing and what we got was the sweetest, most lovable 65 pound ball of fur you ever saw! Then, there are my 'twins'. I don't think they really are twins (can dogs be 'twins' since they're all born in a litter??). Gus and Gertie are Shih Tzus. I found them walking down the street in my neighborhood. I enticed them into my car using french fries from White Castle of all places.

Fourthly, I am in a strange place with regard to my marriage. Don't get me wrong, I love the BaldMan. I truly do love him. I just don't know if I am IN LOVE with him anymore. It's the oldest saying but, he's not the guy I married. Or, quite possibly, I'M not the guy I married. I think there have been a lot of changes for both of us these last 6 years.

So, now I'm back. I'm gong to try my darndest to update often, to try to figure out how to post pictures, to be positive, to keep up with old friends, to make new ones, to make with the funny, to be positive, to let y'all see me without my 'Oscar' shell on, to be honest with you and most of all me.

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